About Season 1
Season 1 of Truly Bedrock is played on Seed 96. We have a base layout as per the map below. The red circles with the player heads are our main base areas and the trapezoids around them are the areas we can extend to with our own bases.
We do not have to only work in these areas, we can build wherever we want.
Base Map: Seed 96
Click for full size. Scale = 1px:1block
Base Coordinates
- Bjaydubya: 150, 1250
- BluJay: 1000, 0
- Daphne: -920, -100
- DB: 50, -750
- Foxy: -630, 1030
- Gruva: 803, -397
- Lyarrah: -360, -700
- Prowl: 870, 810
- Rogue: 560, 1110
- Silent: -730, -490
- Slack: -890, 700
- Tizz: -1020, 310
- TNC: 1020, 410
- Zap: 460, -660
- Zloy: -270, 1230
Special Areas
We have 4 main special areas including a shopping area, gaming area, village / city build area and Atlantis area.
These areas are reserved for community builds and have themes based on where and what they are.
Shopping Area

Gaming Area

Village / City Build Area
